Custom Workflows

Custom Workflow templates allow customers to extend the built-in conversations and annotations toolset to include other mini-workflow apps that are centric around data. Using Pyramid's built-in capabilities to track where a workflow event was triggered (data point, member, report or slide); when it was triggered; and by whom it was triggered - developers can bolt on completely new capabilities to this infrastructure unrelated to simple commentary and annotations. Examples include:

  • task and action tools (like to-do lists)
  • documentation tools (like patient records)
  • issue tracking (like bug tracking and creation)


Note: This feature is available with an Enterprise license only.

Workflows vs Conversations

Custom Workflows in Pyramid are generic mechanics to annotate data points, hierarchy members and reports. The workflow can then be used to attach some type of content or "payload". The workflows are open capabilities in to which developers can use to build their own mini workflow apps. Conversations are a specific workflow type, that allow users to write comments in conversation threads with other users. The conversation framework is included in the application out-of-the-box.

Tip: Custom Workflows must be enabled for them to be operational

How Custom Workflows Work

To build a custom workflow, developers need to:

  • Add a new template in the admin
  • For each template, build a "create" and a separate "Edit/View" interface: 
    • Specify the HTML markup for the UI form presented to the user when a new workflow thread is created, viewed or edited.
    • Specify the JavaScript code for setting, getting and manipulating the forms for the user. The JavaScript is standard JavaScript functionality interfacing with Pyramid's WorkFlow APIs.
    • Provide 2 CSS styling sheets for the dark and light mode interface
    • Provide a sample JSON data set for testing (optional)
    • Set the host dialog dimensions.

The JavaScript that drives the logic in the forms can either save the content from the forms to Pyramid's internal repository database or it can be used to post and retrieve these data elements (or any other content) using REST APIs to an external system.

Create vs Edit vs View

There are typically 3 stages to a workflow:

  • Create: the user experience when starting a new workflow thread
  • Edit: the user experience when opening up an existing thread to make additions, updates or deletions
  • View: the user experience when viewing an existing thread without making any other changes.

The Edit and View stages normally overlap. So it is up to the developer to ensure that the right experience is triggered.

WorkFlow Marketplace Example

To give developers a better understanding of Custom Workflows, an example template has been added to the interface through the marketplace button. Download the example to understand the mechanics and interactions with the APIs.